Spoiler alert – this will make me sound unprofessional, but it’s the simple truth.  Last night I had the honor and privilege of performing with some of the greats in Clean Comedy.  I don’t know what fairy decided to fart luck dust onto me, but thanks to my friend Jonnie W., I somehow managed to end up doing a short opening for comedic greats Rik Roberts and the colossus Michael Jr.

The real treat was getting to watch these guys in action.  Rik Roberts took the crowd by storm.  And I have never seen such calm demeanor as when Michael Jr. is on (and off) the stage.  His crowd work and improvisation was incredible and the best I have ever seen.  Yet he was also kind and offered sound advice and council out of his 20+ years knowledge in the comedy biz.  Here is Rik’s site, and Michael Jr.’s site.

It should also certainly be mentioned that the evening was hosted by the great Jonnie W. who has recently performed along side Tim Hawkins, Bob Smiley, etc. (The list goes on and on).  A big surprise also came in the form of Jason Earls featuring for the evening.  A last minute addition that was overwhelmingly welcomed by the crowd!  Check out Jason on his site, and Jonnie on his.

But the biggest and best part of the night came in the form of Love.  Money was raised, entertainment was given, and free merchandise was given away all in the name of the Buddy Break Program.  The Buddy Break Program is dedicated to sharing hope with kids with special needs (VIP kids) and their families.

This includes:

  • Bringing hope and resources of encouragement to VIP kids and their families
  • Providing practical assistance by offering free respite care for VIP kids
  • Educating the community on how to be a Buddy to VIP kids and their families
  • Equipping the community, especially churches, with opportunities, tools, training, and resources to reach out to VIP kids and their families
  • Extending hope to VIP kids overseas
  • Sharing hope with grieving families

(Kids with special needs are our VIPs. Buddies are friends of VIPs.)

Learn more about Buddy Break Here.

Praise the Lord for such a great night, and a big thanks to Jonnie W. and Assembly Church in Mt. Juliet, TN. for their work and for allowing me to be a part of it.

Rik Roberts, Jason Earls, Myself













Myself, Jonnie W., Michael Jr.

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